Blue Buttons

A white shirt. A dent goes from your shoulder down the back of your arm. You're trying to tie a tie. 'Hooray! Now you're an adult', I say happily, clapping my hands. You slightly turn around to the sound of my voice. The lamp's light reveals all the unevenness of the fabric. I put my... Continue Reading →

Into Ashes

My heart was pounding so hard as if it could break through my chest at any moment. Trees were passing rapidly before my eyes. I could easily run along this path blindfolded. I knew the location of all these trees, hills and stones as if it was a continuation of myself. But now I doubted... Continue Reading →

Eyes Closed

The sky became covered with dark clouds. A bright moon shines through this grey fog. Street lanterns reflect as glare on the wet asphalt. A wandering dog is sitting under the narrow canopy of a restaurant, hiding from the rain. The door opens, and the monotonous blows of the raindrops get instantly replaced by music... Continue Reading →

A Story from a Man Who Came Back

I stood by the door in complete silence and did not dare to knock. I listened and shuddered at every slight rustle behind it. From time to time, I took a deep breath and held my hand to the door. But obviously it was not enough to make at least a couple of knocks with... Continue Reading →

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